Austin is moving in with his Dad on August 8th for 1 year. I am going to miss him like crazy. But I think it will be good for both him and his dad.
I have been in and out of the hospital lately because I ran out of one of my meds and it made me system go wonky. I am feeling better now.
We went to see Zach's parents last weekend. They had come and picked up Austin and kept him for a week which was really nice. So we spent the 4th down in Port Lavaca.
Other than that not much has been going on. I am trying to get motivated to do my schoolwork but that is proving to be hard. I have some new books I want to read that I can't even get motivated to do. I am bored.
I got approved for disability! Within 60 days I will start receiving checks which will help us out a lot! So I am excited about that.
Well that is the latest from here, 'til the next haunt .......
1 year ago