Thanks to Jacquelyn i have this awesome header. Now I feel at home here. Thank you so much sweetie!
Well things are going okay here .... I don't have a job right now and have been looking. The last few jobs haven't worked out for one reason or another so I am diligently hunting for something that will work. Maybe I am being too picky.
Going thru some money problems right now. See we bought me a new car ~ a 1992 Honda Accord and it's thrown us off our budget just a little. So it will take us a bit to catch back up.
Sharing a quote from the great Shawn Spencer of Psych: "Wait a minute Doogie. Is that a juice box and does it come in grapealicious?"
I just love that show.
Another new show addiction is True Blood, the new vampire series on HBO. It is really good, even got Jacquelyn into it!
Anyway, that is about all that is going on here. Austin is doing good .... he has been doing okay in school. They have added counseling and speech therapy to his list of services and so far he seems to be doing well. I am really impressed with this school!
Will post more later ~
'Til the next haunt ......
1 year ago
Awww hunnie -- I'm so glad you like it -- I'm revamping mine now too *lol*
Yep -- True Blood - my new facination. I also got my sister & hubby hooked *lol*
Keep you chin up... you'll find the perfect job soon enough *hugs*
Renee, a mom has to be picky when it comes to working outside the home. Whatever you do simply must fit your families needs, your abilities, aspirations and talents, and it there are suitable hours to consider. You're not being too picky. You're being smart in looking for the right thing. Meanwhile, you are Mommy, and that is a full time job. With one of my kids already grown up, one soon to graduate, and one left to graduate after that, I'm about in the same boat. Trying to find work that will work with my family. Oh! And throw in having to explain why I've been out of "the outside-the-home work loop" for all these years- that's just going to be peachy. *rolls eyes* Hang in there! Something at least close to perfect will come along.
Sounds like Austin's school really focuses on each individual child. That's good- all schools should follow suit.
Grats on the car! I hope it keeps you safe and gets you reliably to and from for a very long time. *hug*
What a beautiful blog !!! Congrats with your new place in the world wide spider web ; )
Have fun !!
It looks fab in here sweetie! Welcome to Blogspot! Austine is getting so big! Wow!
Hugs! & Faerie Dust!
Hya hun...just found the link to your new place on Mystics blog...looks great. Well i hope you're having a great week, pop by and say when you have the time.
Hi, Hun
I missed you too...Love your new blog...Your find a new job soon! :)
I also love True Blood. And I have the books(Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris) from which it comes from on order.
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