I have officially started at the bank and I absolutely LOVE it! The job itself is fun and not stressful at all. And the people I work with are amazing , they are so sweet and kind. And willing to help me whenever I need it. It's great.
Austin has a couple of appointments coming up. He goes to the dentist November 20th and then the psychiatrist November 24th. We have been waiting a while to get into both of those so it will be good to get them taken care of. Austin will really benefit from being put on meds. He needs them, with him being bipolar he really needs to be on them. Just as I am.
I have been able to see Zach more so that has been nice. We get off work at the same time so that is good. I love spending time with him.
Anyway, that is about the latest here, not much going on. I will write more soon!
'Til the next haunt .....
1 year ago
Oh hunnie!!
I am soo very glad that you are enjoying your new job!! You so deserve this!
And it's great that you & zach finish at the same time!!
*hugs n luv*
So glad you love your new job ... I knew the commute for training would be so worth it !!! And its awsome that Austin gets the meds he needs :) You & Zach deserves the time together hun you've earned it !!
Hope you enjoyed the Veterns Day off ..:)
♥♥Cori :)
Hey Renee!
Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Butterfly Award. Check my blog for more info ;)
Oh i'm so glad the new job is working out so well for you...things ar coming together nicely...you've got a job you love, your little one is going to get the care he needs and you and Zach get more time together...life is good.
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