Merry Christmas and Blessed Yule! Not much going on today ... Austin is out of town at his dad's and it's just Zach and me hanging out watching TV. We bought a ham yesterday so Zach is going to cook that for lunch.
I am reading a few books right now ~ Silver Ravenwolf's Hedgewitch, Dealing with a Bipolar Child, Sex and the City and am re reading Dianne Sylvan's The circle Within. Now if I can just concentrate long enough to get some reading done, I will be all good.
My neck has been giving me a hard time ... went to the doc the other day and got some shots and am on some extra meds for it.
That is about it from here ~ I hope that you all have a great holiday and am sending you all hugs and love!
'Til the next haunt ...
1 year ago
And Blessed Yule to you too my dear friend ... !!!TO you and your beautiful family ... and all the best for 2009 !!!
Love from a snowy Canada ..
Cori xxx
Al the best to you too Renee love, hope you have a lovely holiday and best wishes for 2009.
Here's to being able to read! LOL! I am reading A Lion Among Men, the third beeok in Gregory Maguire's Wicked Witch Series, and so far the best I think! *G*
Blessed Yule!!
wow! You certainly are reading alot!
Hope you have a wonderful New Years hun!
*hugs n luvs*
Happy 2009 !!! May all the things you hope for and the plans you make, come true this year !!!
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