i weigh 152. There i said it. And it's all in my stomach. People think I am pregnant because of the weight I have there. I have started eating right and drinking more water. And i worked out a little bit at home on the Fit channel. But i want to lose the weight now. i want it to be easy and just magically lose the weight. I know that can't happen, but boy it would be nice. It's just all frustrating and I am at my wit's end.
On another note, I found my brother on facebook. Now al ot of you didn't know I had a brother because I don't talk about him. He pretty much abandoned me when my mom did. All because he was scared of her. I sent him a message, whether or not he replies, still remains to be seen. At this point, it would be nice, but I could care less.
Found some of my old high school friends on Facebook and we have been having a great time going back and forth. Am lucky i ran into them. One being my best friend, Marla. i am so excited.
Anyway, that is the latest here ... if I can just stick with working out, then I will be all good.
1 year ago
oh you know i ve been fighting this weight thing too !! But your right i feel i need to do something as well to get it down .. I think i need to go out for walks more now that the weather is getting nicer !! I just am waiting for all the ice to disappear the last thing i need is to smack my bad knee again !!! Good luck with your brother .. if it's meant to be it will happen xxx
It would be nice if pounds and inches magically disappeared. Then working out and staying fit wouldn't be such a CHORE! Hahaha! It's a pain, but there's no quick fix. BUmmer eh?! Just drink lots of water and when you do workout- and make the choice to START the diet, make sure you do NOT look at the scale for 2 weeks! I'm serious! Just DON'T get on or look at the scale. Just drink your fluids, work out, cut your proportions and keep trying. Then in 2 weeks try to see where you are. And keep trying. Stay strong- stay focused, motivated & keep at it and then check again in 2 weeks. You should notice some changes! Good Luck! I"m here if you need me!
{{ HUGS }}
I'm trying to lose weight too hun... it's soo hard!
Good luck with your goals -- we can be each other's support system :)
I'm sorry to hear your brother hasn't replied
Just stopping by to say hi and catch up..hope ya've had a great weekend.
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