School is out for the summer. But Austin has summer school starting June 15th. They felt it was best with his autism if he went during the summer. I agree. He gets a break from June 25th-July 13th so he is going to see his dad then. Then he gets out of summer school August 6th and school doesn't start back til August 24th so he is going to go back to his dad's then.
I haven't been feeling the best ..... been mostly laying around watching tv. Austin has been good about helping me around the house so it's been easier.
Other than that, not much is going on. We are going this weekend to see Zach's parents. So that should be fun.
'Til the next haunt ......
1 year ago
That's good about the summer school for Austin. Lilianna isn't finished school til the end of June. Hope you're feeling better soon hunnie!!
luvs ya!
Ethan has to go to SS too. He is just behind because he thinks it is much more fun to mess around and distraxt others than learn. *sigh*
I hope your summer is going well so far!
Hya Love...good to hear from you, summer school sounds like a good idea to me, summer holidays are far too long, they just get bored.
Hope you're feeling better hun, take care.
Hi Hun! Just flying to by to check in on ya! Hope you're feeling better. Summer School gives you a little bit of a break too!
Hugs 7 Faerie Dust!
Hya hun...hope everything's ok, not heard from you in a while...take care.
Hoya sweetie! I am just popping in to see how your doing!
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