After I get off work Friday, we are going to hit a couple of sales around here so I can get some more work clothes -- I really need some.
My friend, Dianne Sylvan, who is also my fave author, has drawn something really amazing .. it's up here at her Deviant art page .. you can order the print... I want one for Christmas! I feel bad, I was supposed to go to her birthday party last weekend but we couldn't get a babysitter. Maybe next year! I really miss seeing her.
Austin is continuing to do well on his medicine. Just today we were standing in McDonald's and he looked at me, smiling, and said, "Why am I so happy?" I told him the medicine is working and it makes me happy, too. He just gave me a hug. How amazing is that?!
This is a Tarot deck I am waiting for ~ here ~. So amazing!
Anyway that is the latest from me .... looking forward to my day off tomorrow for Thanksgiving.
'Til the next haunt .....
PS ~ Lost comes back January 21 ! I so cannot wait!
1 year ago