Well Austin's surgery went well, they capped several of his teeth and he came thru with flying colors. he was so tired afterwards and he didn't go to school yesterday. He tried but then came home. So he is at school this morning trying again. I am so proud of him. It was a long day though, they had us get there at 10:30 but didn't wheel him back to surgery til 2:10 and he was back by 3:45 and we were released to go home at 4:30. So it was a long day and considering the hospital was over an hour away, well you can imagine.
Well I got a call from school and he is running 102 degree fever so he is home for th enext couple of days ....... I took him to the doc and he has an ear infection and strep throat. Bad timing!
My books came for my school. I thought I would be super excited and ready to read them, but I am not lol. That time will come, I am sure. I have time.
Anyway, that is the latest from here .....
'Til the next haunt .....
1 year ago
Oh i'm so glad it all went well for Austin and bless him going back to school straight away, mine would have milked it for all it's worth and got as much time off school as they could get...lol
Thanks for stopping by hun...glad you liked the song!
Take care
Poor Austin! But I am soo glad the surgery went well!!!
And it's great that your books arrived... I'm sure you'll get into the swing of things when you start reading them :)
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