I drew the 9 of cups this morning out of my Celestial Tarot deck. Since this is often called the "wish card", I was glad to stumble across it. It means overcoming something, meeting goals. Well I overcame my fear of starting my school work and took 2 exams already. I got a 100 and a 75 so not too bad. The next set of books have come in and I need to dive into them too. I think I am liking this card!
Austin is starting to feel better ... poor guy. Strep throat is terrible i know. But he has been going to school, so that is good.
I haven't been sleeping right again, the doc told me to take my meds that make me sleepy at night which I have been and now I have been waking up in the middle of the night. Like right now, it's 1:45am. Here is hoping that will change soon.
I haven't written anything else since Feb 11. Of course, I really haven't sat down to try either. Maybe I will try and tackle that tomorrow since I drew the 9 of cups.
Zach's overtime got cut at work so that means a big cut in our financial situation. I always knew this was going to happen because when he begins his school program in the fall (for radiology tech), I knew he was going to have to quit his current job and get a part time job instead. I just wasn't ready for it yet. Please say blessings for us regarding our money situation.
Anyway, that is the latest from here ... til the next haunt .....
Well done on your exams, Renee! Blessings of abundance coming your way! Be open to receive in unexpected ways... Gratitude brings in more abundance :)
Awesome job on your exams hun!!!
I'll be thinking of you guys -- I'm sure everything will work out financially *hugs*
Congrats on the exams hun...well done you! Glad to hear Austin is on the mend too.
I feel for ya with the money situation love, i'm in the same boat, i'm the only one bringing in any cash here and i can only work part time coz of the my health.
Wishing you improved health and wealth.
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